"They" say that Day 2 and 3 are the hardest. Today was not so bad. I went to work and classes all day and I am doing fine. A couple of times I felt hungry but with some big gulps of that spicy lemonade, I filled my tummy to be comfortably full. Tonight I drank some lax tea with senna. You're supposed to drink it every night for the first few days to flush all the solids out of your system. I drank some last night but was warned to only steep it for 30 seconds so it wouldn't be too strong. I think I could have handled a longer steeping. Tomorrow I will drink the daily sea-salt solution in the morning which I was technically supposed to start yesterday. This is also meant to flush everything out. Definitely too much information but I've "flushed my bowels" 3 times each day so far. I honestly had no idea that food stays in our system for this long.
Today I had a run-in with my professor. I was talking to my friend who I was supposed to see for lunch that day and who I had had to cancel with for obvious reasons. I was explaining about the cleanse since she was interested in possibly trying it. In explaining, my professor listened in and gave her disappointing remarks. "Well, wherever your priorities are" remarking on how I'd be taking her final while still on the cleanse. I had been nervous about the level my brain would be able to work at without food. I'd have to study and take my finals while fasting; wouldn't that affect my brain-power? At the end of class my professor made the comment, "I think you should get off this diet, I can already sense less energy from you". Anthony, the man who has inspired me to become healthy, tells me that the brain can adapt amazingly to so many things. He believes that my brain should be able to adapt very soon and be able to memorize and recall information just fine for my final. I think I'll see how I'm feeling on Day 7 and start the orange juice and vegetable broth phase in time to start on real food on Day 10, the morning of my final. However, I hope to find instead that I can keep it going.
I have been so moved by the amount of humans living and dying of disease nowadays. I can't wait to reduce the gluten, dairy, and meat in my diet. I hope to have a diet based on seasonal plants and avoid "natural flavors" (or MSG), extra sodium, and added chemicals. It will be hard, but I am ready to do what I can to beat the system which is trying to make me sick in order to make money off of "curing" me.
I have been soooo very tired. Goodnight!
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